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Working with Creative Journal Expressive Arts (r)

Being able to picture your vision in action in the future is a key to being able to bring it about.  This workshop gives you tools for dreaming on paper with writing, drawing or graphics, and having a dialogue with
your images to find out what they symbolise in your life.   Your commitment to your future dream-in-action relies on engaging both the left and right hemisphere, so that your words are illustrated with pictures.
These come from magazines or your own drawing.  The workshop brings a creative reverie into mind and acts on your subconscious to prepare you for a playful start to any project:  think and picture yourself 
into the future playfully and with confident anticipation!

‘Creative Heaven’ Reflections from the IEATA Conference 2009

The conference offered opportunities for us to hear from other expressive therapists around the world, and to link in a way that made the world itself feel a different place for me. I am so grateful for all those memories, and look forward very much to meeting up again and building on our community feeling. Most importantly, it gave Anna and I a chance to put our niche into a bigger picture, and define the way we train others and run our Play Team Association with a broader , more informed sense of relevance and vision. Hope is alive and well and living in some brave, creative hearts. Continue reading

Brain Training

Expanded Conciousness and all that…
We are moving into a new era where the mystic, Buddhist, and others paths of self development are being fully explained in current neurochemistry research.  Paying attention, mindfulness, compassion and creative reverie are all experiences we have had.  Now brain research suggests that if we could use these skills more often, our lives might change out of all recognition. We might be capable of anything:  self healing, super powers of concentration and performance, heightened awareness, intuitive processing, effective clarity of vision, and unbounded optimism.

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The Science of Visioning

BRAIN NEUROSCIENCE tells us that the brain is infinitely plastic, and that the mind can be instrumental in activating neural circuitry which makes new connections between brain functions. With increased efficiency, the immune system is strengthened to overcome disease, and the ‘hard wiring’ for happiness is more readily available. Our next evolutionary leap is consciously to manage the inner circuitry of positive emotion and live up to our potential by creating a fuller, richer life style. Continue reading

Walking on Solar Eclipse Day (20th May 2012) on the Isle of Man

Mandala of spring flowersThe planets are a mystery to us all, but if you like to play with the special events such as solstices, eclipses and other excuses to have fun, especially out in the landscape, look to see what CLIA has on offer.
Last weekend the solar eclipse gave us a good reason to begin visioning our heart’s desire for our lives, and in between making a collage and mandala, play with circle dance and stories. The sun came out, we didn’t get a visible eclipse but in May sunshine of any sort an exciting event when the translucent leaves come out and flowers scent begins to lift off in the warmth…. wonderful. Continue reading