We need spiritual skills such as focusing an imaginative vision in our hearts, concentrating our desire for creative, compassionate outcomes, affirm our gifts and talents in the face of obstacles, get a dream-team to support us with advice and friendship, understanding why our intuitive urge is a ‘true’ vision, and make a plan of action to specify and protect exactly what we want to do. These are some of the brilliant suggestions by Lucia Capacchione in her book – “Visioning: 10 Steps to Designing the Life of your Dreams”. We follow this tried and tested approach using Creative Journal and Collage to begin visualising the path ahead of us. It is a meditative task asking our inner self or guide to prompt our actions.
‘The Seasonal Cycle of Creativity’
(Downloading your vision or dream and getting ready to go)
‘Whatever you dream of doing, begin it now.’
Embodying a dream or vision involves ‘acting as if’ it was already ‘real’, and it involves making a quest then stepping onto a symbolic path in the room so that your imagination and intention are given a magnetic link is made into your body. You now can see yourself acting and moving in the future life that you desire, and the magic can begin.
The Quest: Visioning begins with Creative Journal Visioning®, making a collage and questing the meanings of the images you used. This is followed by vision embodiment, which allows your body to act as though you had achieved your dream. This is very powerful ‘kidology’ where your subconscious is activated to believe in your goal so deeply that it feels as though it was already a part of your life.
Matwork Embodiment – begin the visionary’s path: Step by step creative mat-play uses coloured mats to symbolise your life’s path, so that you get to walk into your vision, challenge the obstacles in your way to release your passion and commitment, and then feel the joy of achieving your goal throughout the whole body. You sit or stand while a guide asks questions while you role play each part of your inner world in order to inhabit the totality of your intuitive imagination:
The Magic of Imaginative Magnetism: At this point you are capable of magnetising your vision into your life. Apparent coincidences coming along which guide your quest, calling for trust and support from friends to keep that belief in your vision alive. You become fired up with optimism, a plan for tomorrow forms in your mind and you just want to go for it. To your surprise you find opportunities coming into your life that synchronise with your plans – it is time to celebrate.
Gratitude: Release your vision in a magical landscape, with trees and rock as your altar of gratitude:
Nature’s Magic is Your Own Magic.
Go to: www.gatekeeper.org for more information about Healing Journeys in the Landscape.
Charlotte Yonge PhD
Saturday Workshops
At the Rose and Crown Clinic
6 South Street, South Molton EX36 4AA
This workshop uses the metaphors of nature to tune to the inner creative cycles of the soul and its purpose for our lives. The alchemy of the heart is the most powerful force for harmony and beauty, and learning to draw on this deep compassion and love of life brings unusual insights. The playful expressive arts games draw on our inner Guide for inspiration in our lives.
In the workshop we play a visionary game through Creative Journal, Collage and Mandala, discovering how to make our dreams come true. This way we learn to listen to the Inner Voice, to become an oracle for our own lives.
A workshop in which all participants create their planetary vision in collage, and play the Findhorn Game of Transformation to bring daily challenges and gifts into focus. In these days of upheaval, an opportunity opens for us to re-vision our relationship with the planet and Humanity, the ecosystems of which we are a part, the potentially controllable systems of sustainable energy usage and humanitarian lifestyles. How we do this in our individual lives will determine our effectiveness collectively, and together we can co-create beauty and harmony for our world.
The day ends with a mandala meditation to empower our vision for the future.
COST: £30/person per day (concessions available)
For more information contact Charlotte on: creativeliteracy@gmail.com.
Taking many forms, the mandala symbolises our thoughts and heart-felt wishes and summarises our creative expressive work together.
These pictures remain with us to remind and evoke the experiences of group intuition and energy, which underpin our individual commitment and intent to bring creative change into our world.