






A vision collage preparing for woodland events, using photos of ancient woodland.


This group mandala was made after improvised poetry and a group song was created from the key images from each person’s poem.

Making a Natural Mandala with Improvised Poems and Song.

The Mandala symbolised the Spirit of Place in the ancient Dwarf Oak woodland.












The mandala centred the groups insights and sense of atmosphere, and symbolised a sense of magic and awareness.



Sandtray Visioning Mandalas encapsulate a vision and can be activated as a moving 3D symbol.  This is a way of healing the family tree through a constellation of symbols and images that are given a voice in Creative Journal.

Improvisation with poetry in a parachute tent, in the ancient trees of Burnham Beeches.






Kevin the Gnome ponders –

In Burnham Beeches near London, we set up a parachute in which we told our improvised poems and became goblins contemplating the state of things:
Improvisation with mask, after creating poetry and song, wandering the ancient woodland in sympathy with the trees.








CPD for the Play Team practitioners:
Group Vision Collage:

Making a collective collage with clay, paint and montage symbolising group vision for children’s play.

Group Collage can be used as a symbol for future work with children and parents.








Play and Parenting group collage.


Creative Journal Expressive Arts training group in Texas.



Comedy, cartoons and home video formed the curriculum for a child with special gifts (








Foolish faces reflect a deep insight into human role playing.

Latex face changing, using the Inner Fool.


Home Education involved the empowerment of a deep passion for drawing and characterisation of the world of human wierdness.

Cartoon talents.Latent Talent for Cartoons.


Making drawings that became the basis of computer cartoons.


Poems of observations.








At School – Rude Poems by a gifted young learner of 9 years who rebels against the system.



Journal Drawings






The Shark is one boy’s statement of a difficult school experience.


Characters and puppets formed the curriculum for the emotional literacy development for a gifted child in home education.

Puppet and character in home video.





The use of characters and narrative used both in home education and non-directive play at school.

This was created in a non-directive play sesssion as a learning support for a child of 8 yrs who was having difficulties integrating in infant school.

Dragon Theme in sandplay.







Two dragons trapped symbolised a young learner’s feelings about school.


Vision Coaching training involved setting a goal, and this collage shows the integration of the right and left brain, at the heart of Creative Journal and Vision® Coaching.









A Mini Collage, ‘Health’, made of contrasting felt and photo montage.  The Spider Weaver is a symbol of my Creative Self as work integrating many aspects of my life.


Matwork uses simple foam mats to symbolise different aspects of an issue, which the participant can stand on and speak through intuitive identification.  Using Mini Collages is one way of getting visual enhancement for the quality depicted, in support of intuitive resolutions.

These were made to be mats, so that each theme could be ’embodied’ and explored intuitively.

Mini Collages of separate themes.








Mini Collage montages help to identify aspects of a problem that cannot be put into words, and then used as mats for role play.

Visioning is used as spiritual workshop activities to develop themes of creative cycles through the seasons, starting with planting a seed idea at Christmas (Rebirth in the Celtic tradition).
Making a Vision Collage:  The Vision Collage in the making, around a mandala to create symbolic space.

Click HERE to see a video of the workshop.


At the Phoenix Centre, Suffolk, Creative Journal and sandtray mandala expressed a heart-felt healing wish, and drumming completed the day celebrating new changes and visions for our personal lives.  Rhythm and movement brings a sense of empowerment and commitment to action, through the reverie created by resonance and rhythmical movement.



Clay is a muscular medium in which to experience somatic roots of the feelings, and embody the intuitive self’s resolution to a conflict.  It is supported by Creative Journal, with role play, matwork, and vision collage to further explore a future goal, and the inner dialogue of the Critic.

Using Clay to resolve conflicts.

Three pieces of clay represent the origin, central isue and resolution of a problem.

A spiritual vision of World Harmony:
A spiritual vision collage reflecting a dream of harmony, compassion and peace.

Recent Posts

Nature is Our Teacher card deck

Nature is Our Teacher card deck is a set of 67 meditation cards for tuning into nature and your inner dream guides, spiritual creative child and supportive wise parents.  Simple activities will help you build resilience, listening to your intuition and self nurture when putting dreams into action.

Thee are some samples, including a Creative Journal activity adapted from Lucia Capacchione’s ‘Creative Journal Expressive Arts’ and ‘Visioning: Ten Steps to Living the Life of your Dreams’


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