Visioning through the Seasons

As in the wisdom traditions of old, the cycle of the seasons gives a perfect eight stage process for making you dreams come true in your life. The winter is where we incubate our seed vision for our heart’s desire; spring is when we pour our attention onto the sprouting seed; Easter is when we affirm our gifts and talents in the face of obstacles (usually the Inner Critic); May is the time to get support and form a ‘dream team’ of friends who share our dream themes; summer is when we protect and make boundaries for our plan of action and support; autumn is when we start acting out our vision and getting immersed in creative reverie; winter is a time of reflection and celebration, acknowledging the new insight and seed vision for the coming year.

Now is the time to find a way of living from our hearts, using Creative Journal and Expressive Arts such as collage, rhythm, mandala and sound to empower our deeper values. Watch this space for dates.

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