Group Vision Collage brings an emotional identification with a shared goal and passion for the work they do. It motivates forward planning and optimism towards resolving obstacles to growth and development of projects.

CPD for the Play Team practitioners, 2012.
The collages make a circular composite set of images around which the group reflects on common goals.

The Gatekeeper Trust uses group mandala making to represent the accomplishments, insights and healing over the last year.

Play Team CPD group in Devon collated this collage to represent what they loved most about non directive play with children.

Creative Journal Expressive Arts training group in Texas gather their vision for the project ahead.
‘I have taken part in both the Creative Visioning series and I have used Charlotte’s card deck at home and at my work with a Forest School and I continue using them.
Nick Weeks
I cannot recommend them enough. I find describing Charlotte’s work as “pure gold” more often than I can count. They are useful as a form of introspection, self knowledge and exciting self exploration; the voice of the sensory, feeling and intuitive selves can sing before the thinking self.
The card deck are also useful as a way to orient yourself within yourself and the world – creating a grounded sense direction, purpose and belonging in an effortless sense.
They are good at a time of transition, beginning a new project or when feeling lost. Though practice with the cards my imagination has developed.
An intuitive way of interacting with art and nature’s consciousness of all kinds.
This is an accessible doorway into carrying this attitude in my daily work as a Biodynamic Farmer.
When I participated in a series of workshops with Charlotte I was honestly impressed at how effective she is able to make the various avenues of communication with animals and children – the wordless, sensory and emotional communication which fosters honesty and trust.
To me she serves as a lifelong example of how to hold space well – how to create ease, comfort and creativity.
Thank you