NEW WORKSHOPS – ‘Games of Transformation’



We need spiritual skills such as focusing an imaginative vision in our hearts, concentrating our desire for creative, compassionate outcomes, affirm our gifts and talents in the face of obstacles, get a dream-team to support us with advice and friendship, understanding why our intuitive urge is a ‘true’ vision, and make a plan of action to specify and protect exactly what we want to do. These are some of the brilliant suggestions by Lucia Capacchione in her book ‘Visioning: Ten Steps to Designing the Life of your Dreams’. We follow this tried and tested approach using Creative Journal and collage to begin visualising the path ahead of us. It is a meditative task, asking our inner self or guide to prompt our actions.

Charlotte Yonge PhD

At The Rose and Crown Clinic, 6 South St, South Molton, EX36 4AA

September 26th, 10 – 3pm

This workshop uses the metaphors of nature to tune to the inner creative cycles of the soul and its purpose for our lives. The alchemy of the heart is the most powerful force for harmony and beauty, and learning to draw on this deep compassion and love of life brings unusual insights.

In the workshop we play a visionary game through Creative Journal, Collage and Mandala, discovering how to make our dreams come true. This way we learn to listen to the Inner Voice, to become an oracle for our own lives.

November 7th, 10-3pm

A workshop in which all participants create their planetary vision in collage, and play Games of Transformation using a variety of spiritual and coaching card decks, to bring daily challenges and gifts into focus.

The day ends with a mandala meditation to send blessing for planetary-human transformation.

CLIA Alchemy Studio

Vision comes in different forms:

Sacred Site collage

Sacred sites of the Isle of Man

CY Game collages (3)

Eight aspects of Visioning-to-action.

2012 b 020

Group Collage.

MM Sandtray Mandala

Sand-play visioning.

Creating Collective Images.

The collective image by the Gatekeeper Trust represents shared vision and intention to build a creative future programme of events.

'The Boat that keeps me afloat', K, Devon, 2011What makes me go.

Mandala of spring flowers

Mandala for a Circle Dance.